MEBA Rule Updates.
Competition By Laws can be found here Junior-Domestic-Competition-By-Laws-2024
Fill in Player Grid – Fill in Player Matrix from 2024
Recent Rule changes can be seen below –
Dealing with multiple PlayHQ profiles
From Basketball VIC At Basketball Victoria (BV), we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality and integrity in managing PlayHQ profiles. An issue that continues to be prevalent in ensuring this confidentiality…
Un-Sportsmanship Rules
12 Feb 2018 (Criteria 1): Not a legitimate attempt to directly play the ball within the spirit and intent of the rules.
Excessive, hard contact caused by a player in an effort to play the ball or an opponent.
An unnecessary contact…
Rule 31. Attachment One – Zone Guideline, Mercy Guideline.
1 June 2018 The Committee strongly encourages Clubs to direct their coaches coaching in under 14 and younger age groups to play Man to Man defence. The only exception is when a team has no substitutions for the game. Definition of zone…
Rule 23. Working With Children’s Check
1 June 2018 All coaches of a junior domestic team that has players, either regular or likely fill in’s, under the age of 18 will require a Working With Children (WWC) check and a completed Basketball Victoria statutory declaration. This…
Rule 21. Officials (Score bench)
1 June 2018 The Junior Domestic Committee has passed a motion that to perform the duties of a scorer for any of the Junior Domestic Competitions Monday to Saturday (inclusive) an individual MUST be a minimum of 15 years of age and be a competent…
Rule 9. Uniform Rule Change
1 June 2018 Correct uniforms shall consist of uniform colour shorts, base colour (or coloured panels) of singlets and numbers (piping is not considered part of the uniform). Players wearing shorts of the style known as "bicycle shorts"…