Entries by Megan Templeton

Close Contact Update 6 May 2022

The Victorian Government has recently altered the isolation requirements for COVID-19 household close contacts. This can be found in the Sport & Recreation Sector Guidance page on the Coronavirus website. Quarantine and isolation Close contacts will no longer have to quarantine – provided they wear a face mask indoors and avoid sensitive settings. They will […]

Basketball Vic COVID update 26th Oct

Return to Sport – 26 October Update   Basketball Victoria has continued to advocate to Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) that indoor sport receives fair and equitable treatment compared to outdoor sport for any COVID-19 vaccination protocols or requirements. We have recently received information from SRV that the Department of Health hasconfirmed that it is […]


MEBA Winter Season cancelled

MEBA – As I’m sure you’re all well aware, the Victorian Government has announced a further extension of the current lockdown until at least the 23rd September. Unfortunately, the competitions are now unable to resume in time to complete a feasible season prior to the commencement of the Summer ‘21/22 season and as such the MEBA & […]

COVID UPDATE 16/8/21 Basketball Victoria

Return to Sport – 16 August Update Unfortunately, the Victorian Government, on advice from the Department of Health, has extended the lockdown restrictions for Greater Melbourne with these measures remaining in place until 11:59pm on Thursday 2 September. RESTRICTION LEVEL Greater Melbourne In line with Victorian Government health directives, basketball in Greater Melbourne will remain […]

COVID update Basketball Vic & MEBA 6th August 2021

Return to Sport – 5 August Update The Victorian Government, on advice from the Department of Health, has chosen to enact a snap lockdown for Victoria with these measures staying in effect for 7 days from Thursday 5 August at 8.00pm. In line with Victorian Government health directives, basketball across Victoria will be placed at […]

COVID restrictions for games starting 31st July 2021

Please be advised that Basketball Victoria has provided further clarity regarding the Restricted Activity Directives as we make our way out of Lockdown 5.   For at least the next 2 weeks, the following restrictions will remain in place for the junior domestic competition:   Every venue is required to have a COVID Check-In Marshall […]

MEBA covid update 27/7/21

I ’m pleased to advise that in line with today’s announcements by the State Government Community Sport can resume from midnight Tuesday 27th July.   As such, we are planning for a return to Junior Domestic Competition this Friday 30th July, Saturday 31st July and Monday 2nd August.   Below is the most recent advice […]

MEBA 15 July 2021

The Victorian Government, on advice from the Department of Health has enacted a circuit-breaker lockdown for all of Victoria with these measure in effect from Thursday 15th July at 11:59pm until Tuesday 20th July at 11:59pm.   In line with this and the update from Basketball Victoria all basketball trainings, programs and competitions will be […]

MEBA 16 June 2021

From MEBA <<< UPDATE >>> Unfortunately, based on today’s announcements by the Victorian Government, domestic competitions are unable to return as hoped. Junior Competitions Therefore we are advising that junior games for this Friday 18th, Saturday 19th are postponed and Monday 21st are cancelled ir al sitio web. Senior Competitions Senior games from Sunday 20th […]